Kimchi-Burger mit Tofu & Cashew Mayo

Kimchi Burger with Tofu & Cashew Mayo

What a cool combo: kimchi & burger! ⁠For us, this is perfect healthy fast food and just right for the barbecue season!⁠

For two:

For the burgers:⁠

2 burger buns of your choice⁠

200-250 g tofu cut into two equally thick slices (alternatively: burger patties or patties of your choice) ⁠

1-2 tbsp coconut oil⁠

2 tbsp soy sauce⁠

approx. 4 tablespoons SUUR Love Craft herb kimchi style⁠

approx. 10 cm cucumber, cut lengthwise into ⁠thin⁠ slices⁠

1 small red onion, peeled and thinly sliced⁠

A few sprigs of fresh coriander or parsley⁠

optional: SUUR Sriracha Hot Sauce⁠ or SUUR Lemon Sriracha Hot Sauce

For the cashew mayo:⁠

100 g soy quark⁠

50 g cashew butter⁠

100 ml soy drink⁠

1 tbsp rice syrup⁠

1 tbsp white wine vinegar⁠

1 tsp medium hot mustard⁠

1 garlic clove⁠ ⁠

To taste:⁠ salt, pepper, lemon juice⁠

Whip all the ingredients for the cashew mayo in a blender or with a hand blender until creamy and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.⁠ ⁠
Heat the coconut oil in a pan and fry the tofu slices on both sides until they are slightly crispy. Add soy sauce and let it boil away.⁠ (Alternatively, prepare the patties or patties.)⁠ ⁠
Bake or toast the burger buns.⁠ ⁠Spread the bottom half of the burger with cashew mayo. Place tofu slices on top and spread about 2 tablespoons of SUUR Love Craft Kraut Kimchi-Style on top. Top with cucumber slices, onion rings and coriander or parsley and close.⁠
(Optionally, SUUR Sriracha Hot Sauce or SUUR Lemon Sriracha Hot Sauce also fits perfectly on the burger!)⁠ ⁠
Bon appetit!⁠ ⁠ ⁠
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